Sunday, December 30, 2007

the frozen fish and the snow glider part2

after the fishie was shaped, i took the next blank and tried the Glider again:

7`3 1/4 x 22 x 2 3/4 SINGLEFIN GLIDER
single concave to vee out the tail. widepoint 4"up from center, pretty down rails.

im really happy about the glider. came out quite ok i guess.
some boo boos here and there but a bit better than the last one, thats what its all about isnt it? getting better with every board.

take care,


brownfish said...

Chris, I love Blogs like this. Board looks great, especially for not having comparisons like most do to look at all the time. Strong work. G

Anonymous said...

That board looks almost Skip Fryesque. Very nice.

Derek from Hawaii

vasco said...

nice...but the rails on the bottom of the glider should be a little diferent so that it will trim properly( i think that you have a low apex) the outline...great job!!!!!!